Mark Phillips

Mark and his wife, Jan, have been married for 39 years. They have two children, AJ and Jennie and three beautiful granddaughters. He has been active in various ministry roles at Sycamore Creek Church in Pickerington and now serves as Lead Pastor at Discover Church in Wadsworth, OH. He also owns the financial advisory firm, Phillips Wealth Management.
“I knew B-Rock from the time he was born. My son, who is 14 years older than B-Rock were best buddies and had a great friendship. But that is the legacy of B-Rock, it didn’t matter if you were older, younger or the same age, B-Rock always made you feel special. I had the honor of baptizing B-Rock after he made Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of his life. A moment I will cherish for the rest of my life. I saw this young man have such a positive impact in the lives of so many people and I look forward to honoring his legacy by serving on the BrockStrong Foundation.”